Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It is only Wednsday.

Will another day has gone by and nothing has really happened. Of course that is the way it goes everyday. I don't have enough gas in my car to go anywhere and if I did have enough gas I have no money to do anything with. I think we sunk low today. My son went and got food from the food pantry. I just can't believe I am 49 years old and am in worst shape now then when I was youner. I thought when I got older and the kids are out of the house that things would be easier. But I am telling you for me it is harder. I am help raising my 2 little grandchildren every other week and it is hard. My body just isn't young and can't go any like it use to. I know this is way to much information but I have no sex life to look forward to make my life a little bit excited. When I got laid off I thought I would enjoy the time off since I worked since I was 16. I hate not working,I hate not having adult conversation, I hate that I don't dress up to go anywhere, I hate so many things. maybe it is all in my head I don't know. But I guess my life started to screw up 20 or so years ago. I can't say all I did was a screw. If i didn't do what I did I wouldn't have my son or my 2 grandchildren and I love them very much. Oh well another day and another post. yah!!!!

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